3D Art Show

Please remember that this is our first 3d show. We have attached a copy of the registration sheet. This must be given to the Treasure by AUGUST 23 because we will need to find space at Out of the Box to place these entries.   If you have been there recently, you know that they are really full at this time, but Myra thinks it will be better by August 31st.  Please don’t choose not to enter because of this.  We really want to give the 3D artists their own show.

Out of the Box has agreed that if you have a large piece, it can set outside by the east door area.

You will need to fill out one registration form for each entry and mail, e-mail, or hand it to the current Treasurer with the registration fee so that she has it in hand by August 23.   If you e-mail the forms, you will have to pay the fee at delivery.

Please print the registration form clearly, so we are able to have the titles correct on the tags that we will hang by your work.

These shows run for the entire month and we ask that you do not remove your artwork until the end of the month.   Pick up date will be September 30th.    At this time we are not sure if you will be able to leave your item longer than the month of September.   As long as we are showing at Out of the Box, the “not for sale” art will need to be picked up.

Ribbons and Awards will be given out:  Best of Show – $50.00, Merit Award – $25.00, and Honorable Mention – $15.00


 1. ALL ART WORK MUST BE DELIVERED BETWEEN 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. August 31st. (Judging will be done on September 1st.)

  1. PICK UP IS: the end of the September
    If you are unable to pick up your “not for sale” items at the end of the show, please make arrangements with family or friends to pick them up for you. Please let us know who will be picking up your work.