ANAC Convention

Pat yourselves on the back!  The Lincoln Artists’ Guild did a great job representing our club.  Of the 17 pieces that were entered, eight received honors, and two of those were selected to be on the traveling show.  That’s almost 50%.  Attending from our club, were Wanda Medina, Gretchen Olberding, Linda Rasmussen and Carmen Stineman.  We each took different classes and were very pleased with our selections.  At the banquet, the emphasis was on the fact that our membership is growing older, and that we need to encourage our youth to join and participate. Nebraska is the only state that has a statewide organization of art clubs and we would hate for it to go the way of the dinosaur.  Maybe our club needs to put forth an effort to invite in the youth of Lincoln to see what we can offer locally and statewide.  Next year the convention will be held in Fremont June 10 – 13, with a pastel artist as our lead instructor.  This is a chance for many of you to participate, as Fremont is not that far, and can be a daily commute, rather than a stay over.  2021 will be in Broken Bow.