Business Meeting Minutes


Business Meeting

August 3, 2023

Present were Carmen Stineman, Kirk Kuenzi, Jan Garvin and Donna Justsen.

The meeting began with a discussion of our August general meeting as well as ideas for future meetings.

For the August meeting, members were to bring their completed tee shirts.  Information on a new program called Procreate, was explained at a previous meeeting.  It is similar to Photoshop, for use with Apple iPad with an annual cost of $10-$15.  More information can be found on Facebook tutorials.  Also discussed additions to Tuesday’s program.

Need to come up with ideas to increase membership.  Will look into the art club in Beatrice and maybe incorporate ideas or possible blending workshops in the future. (their meetings are held the first Saturday of each month).

Carmen will check with Rita to see if she is interested in chairing the Chinese New Year’s party in January.  If not, Donna Justsen will and has suggested Mr. Hui’s 2 as a possible venue.  Address of the restaurant is 4131 Pioneer Woods Drive.  The year of 2024 will be the year of the dragon.

Donna suggested working on ideas of getting information out about the Artists’ Guild, one of which was by making up additional information to be available at various sites to include galleries, art supply stores, etc. to distribute.  Hopefully when we move to a new location, we can utilize these ideas.

Jan asked that each of us come up with 3 to 5 ideas for future programs /and/ or weekend art workshops.

Our next business meeting will be held at the same place, Bagels & Joe on north 84th at 8:15 a.m. on Thursday September 7th.


Donna Justsen, Secretary

Lincoln Artists’ Guild