A slate of officers has been nominated for 2015.  Instead of a President and Vice President, we are going to try a Co-Presidency. So far, members in the running are Jan Blank and Julie Lemons for Co-Presidents, Lois Rood for Secretary, and Wanda Medina for Treasurer. If anyone would  like to present any other nominees for offices, please be prepared to make the nominations at the Chinese New Year Party. (Please get permission from those potential nominees prior to the New Year Party to save time). There will be a very short meeting and ceremony at 6:15 PM, to vote for new officers, and then pass on duties for the newly elected officers.

For this New Year’s party, we are inviting Jody and Steen, Myra and her husband,and Ted and his special friend from OOTB as our guests. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet them and thank them if you haven’t done so already.

The Chinese New Year party will be at the Imperial Palace Chinese Restaurant, 701 North 27th on January 17th, starting at 6PM. We will have a room for ourselves, and delicious food will be served family style at individual tables. Please contact Rita Holland (telephone #:  402-770-8292) with the number of people you have coming. If you want to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped art-related gift worth around $20. Significant others are welcome to attend. The meal cost is $11, tip not included, and this is payable at the event. Checks are welcome, and should be made out to LAG.  For those who need special meals, order your food at the door  and pay for it there, and tell them you are with the LAG party in the back room. They will serve those special orders at the same time they serve the rest of the LAG members.