Food for Thought

New year, new challenges.  As members of LAG, we always seek input and suggestions on how to improve our organization.  Here are some areas that we would like your input on.  You may bring your ideas or thoughts up at our regular meetings, or just drop a note to one of the officers.

Change day at the gallery:  Is it too difficult to get work to the gallery on the weekday from 11 – 1?  If you work, does this limit you from participating in the gallery?  Would you participate if we had an evening drop off time OR an all day weekday time OR a Saturday time?

Awards at shows:  Rosette ribbons? yah or nay?  monetary awards:  yah or nay?  People’s choice award – some discussion has been put forth about “stuffing the ballot box” when the show is unattended at the LUX.

Monthly programs:  what do you want to see in the way of programs?  If you have a specific presenter / program that you have seen before and want to bring them in, let an officer know.

Sponsorships:  We are going to invest in color advertising cards to go out to businesses – do you know of any corporation/business/etc. that YOU can solicit funding from which will be printed on all public information we send out?

Helping out your organization:  we would like all members to add their name to the list of “I can help” filling in area/areas where you can be of service.  Not organize or be chairman, but just help out, with suggestions, leg work, computer stuff, etc.  Every committee needs a task force behind it.   Be watching for THE LIST!

Carmen Stineman