From the President

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
When I took the position of President I had no idea what would be ahead of us in 2013.   What a ride it has been!  Our membership has continued to grow, thanks to all the outreach of members.  Keep telling everyone about the Guild and I think we will see even more growth in 2014.

The guild is an all volunteer organization, so thanks to those who helped out and continue to make our organization a success.  I want to thank the Board members and the Committee members for their dedication and service to the Guild in 2013, and also want to remind all LAG members of their responsibilities as Guild Members.  Working together and helping is the only way the guild will continue to grow and succeed.  I also want to thank so many of you that have been willing to answer my questions and discuss what we should do next on many projects.  I’m grateful to all of you for your support and encouragement.  With best wishes! Donna Pozehl