July Monthly Meeting

July 11, will be the next monthly meeting for the Lincoln Artists’ Guild.  7:00 at the Tai Chi Studio on north 48th street.  (park in the rear)

Topics will be:

  1.   bringing back completed linoleum blocks that were started in June.  Printing ink will be provided along with paper. Those more adventurous (and that is a lot of you) you can bring acrylic paint in colors of you choosing and also different papers than the traditional white.  You will be pulling 12 different prints that can then be traded around.  If you use your own papers and wish to save those, be all means do so, but please print some on white to be traded.  Bring scissors, brayers, etc if you have them, otherwise we will share.  Jan Garvin will bring some Geli Plates for those that wish to do some monoprinting with your colors and using your cut block to print on the Geli Plates.  Lots of ways to experiment.  Kirk, will have two more blank places if you want to draw and cut, if you weren’t at the June meeting, or bring one of your own. Even if you don’t have a plate, you can experiment by sharing with those that do, or just helping out.  We are a sharing group!
  2. Kirk has some white t-shirts that he is bringing, handing out, and issuing a challenge of designing your own unique piece of fabric art.  Paint; cut; sew; etc.  Bring back for the August meeting.
  3. Kirk will also be demonstrating the use of a $10 digital program called “Pro-Create”.

August Program = Show and Tell with returned t-shirts.

Members will also bring their own I-Pads, Lap-top, etc. and practice using the digital program on their own devices.  Members can load the program that evening if they haven’t already.  Kirk will be able to help those who are new to the program, and those already acquainted with it will help out also.  We are becoming a tech world, and this is the logical step to adding to our artistic “bag of tricks”.

September program = this will be a critique night.  Bring several works that you are working on, and the group will help you add that little extra that makes your piece that much better.  There will be some fun learning going on.  We may even have a video showing good and better of the same image, so people can practice how to look at the art. Are you shy?  Those of you who don’t like to talk will get a lot out of this too, as you get to jot notes down about each piece and a narrator will lead the discussions about what was written in the suggestions.  This seems early, but some people in the past, thought that one month before the show wasn’t enough time to make changes after the critique.  So now, you will have a two month grace period.  You work doesn’t have to be completed this evening, probably better that it is not, if you are planning to make changes.  Remember, the Fall Show will be in November, and work must have been completed within the last two years, and has not been shown at the Lux before.  You may enter a maximum of three pieces.

October program = Mitch Egberg will lead us on a journey of lines in space.  Perspective!  Many of the critique comments from the show judges in the past has been that the perspective is off.  Sides of buildings, foreground vs background, etc.  This will be a hands on night where you can practice, so bring a pencil, ruler and paper.

November program = we may be on the road to someplace in the city for this meeting.  Surprise!  More information as it is formed.

December program = no meeting – family/work/holiday – just is too busy, so take a break.

January program = On the road again.  This will be our “Chinese New Year” holiday party.  Donna Justsen is chairman, so if you want to help out, give her a call.