++++June Program++++

     Like most of you in our guild–I’m just a hopeless fanatic when it comes to art.  I just can’t get enough of it and the deeper I get into it the greater the obsession becomes.  I dabble in a little bit of everything: painting and drawing in pretty much every medium, as well as printmaking and modeling with clay.  I teach kids art (along with homeschooling my son) and recently began to teach art to adults, chiefly Bob Ross style landscapes, and other acrylic painting and drawing  projects at Michael’s on 48th and R.

At the June meeting, I want to share how to paint dew drops and water droplets on leaves, flower petals and fruit.  I also thought I’d show how to make a simple “stay-wet” palette for acrylic painting.  I’ll likely have enough supplies for those of you who don’t generally paint with acrylics, but if you do paint in oil or acrylic, could you bring some small and medium sized round brushes, including liner brushes, that would be helpful.  I will bring oil and acrylic paints to share, as well as some prepared surfaces to paint on, cups for water, and disposable palettes.  Lisa Cassel