June Program

Holmes Park at 70th Normal Blvd. is where the LAG picnic is planned for all members and their spouses on June 3. Hot dogs and buns will be furnished for the pot luck meal so RSVP to Joyce Jacobs @401-488-7187 so she will have enough hot dogs for everyone. The rest of the meal will be pot luck so bring whatever you’d like to share with others and bring your own utensils and drink. Look for the lady with a big red hat and that will be our group. Come eat, visit and bring your cameras and sketch pads if you’d like to do some sketching. We will plan to eat at 7:00 p.m. and hopefully by then summer weather will finally arrive.

May Meeting

The May meeting was opened with a fine showing of some of Marion Rumbolz paintings that will be shown at the Rogers House on May 22, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. This will be sponsored by the Preservation Assoc. of Lincoln. Tickets are $20.00 and includes a chance to own one of her original works. Marion had been a long time member before she passed away. Her enthusiasm for LAG and art influenced many of our members.

Keith Larsen encouraged everyone to participate in the 55 + Front Page Art Contest July 1st at Bennett Martin Library. He will show more information on this again at the June picnic.

A DVD of “A Touch Of Color” was shown by the artist Yarnell. He showed step by step how to make skies by using undertones, how to give mountains that real look, how the placements of buildings, fences, and trees enhances a picture, and how to give snow a winter look. Artists of most mediums benefited from his instructions except watercolorists, and we’ll do a program just for them another time.