LAG Sales

As many new people have joined LAG, we thought we should review the procedural rules our Guild has for the sale of artwork from any LAG hosted art showing.
Every artwork sale from a venue hosted by the Lincoln Artists’ Guild is required to go through the show’s designated contact person, exhibiting committee chair/members, or the LAG Treasurer.  This is because our Guild receives a 20% commission on every sold piece of art.  This 20% commission applies to all the LAG’s Juried Shows, the ANAC show and any big or small LAG organized outside show in stores, cafes, banks, community centers, galleries, etc.  The only exception is at Out of the Box.  The commission is 30%.  LAG gets 15% and Out of the Box gets 15%.
All checks for the sold art should be made out to “LAG” and be sent directly to the Treasurer.  Once the Treasurer has the money for a sale, the Guild will then send a check for 80% of the sale directly to the artist.  Out of the Box will collect all payments for sales from our shows.
One benefit of buying art at LAG showings is that there is no sales tax on sales when paid for through LAG.  LAG is a federally registered non-profit educational organization and is not required to charge sales tax on any art sold through its auspices.    We ask that participating members in LAG showings keep in mind the 20% or 30% commission clause and price their pieces accordingly.