Saturday, February 8th at OUT OF THE BOX was a huge success! We sold some paintings, and we had a good crowd of Art Enthusiasts who signed up to learn of future special promotions. OOTB also had lots of sales. The Board Members did a great job as hosts.

We’re planning to participate in the First Friday Art events from 5-8PM. So far, we don’t have volunteers for March 7th. It will be a wonderful opportunity for us. Four to Five people will be needed to cover two levels: two greeters, two food table stockers/watchers, etc.

We think it would be fun to have a featured artist each month whose paintings would be grouped together. Other suggestions are welcome. We have had several people sign up to be at the Gallery on certain days. If you have paintings displayed, you have an obligation to help work at the gallery one day per month. (Depending on schedules and volunteers, it could be every other month.)