**President’s Potpourri**

2018.  New beginnings…….The Lincoln Artists’ Guild will have a new gallery location for this year.  We will be moving to the Against the Wall Gallery building in Havelock.  John O’Hare has welcomed us into his framing shop that will be home for our gallery and shows.  Exposed brick walls, framer on site and main street access, along with shops and restaurants within walking distance make for an exciting time.  (Misty’s Steakhouse is just across the street)  It will run very similar to what we have had, with maybe a few changes.  Mainly we will be starting out with less paintings from each member until we can figure out hanging space.  We will have a minimum of four shows, each lasting close to a month at a time, with 1st Friday receptions at the beginning of each of those.  Will Rennick has agreed to be the Chairman of the Gallery Committee, so any questions may be asked of him.  Give him and his committee some time to get things set up before you bring work.  They will post when and how they want things brought.  If you haven’t turned in your $25 for your gallery fee, you may do so at any meeting, or mail to Kristine Brennan -6700 Marcus Road, Lincoln, Ne 68516

This was not a decision by a few, all members were asked to vote, and the tally was 23 Yes votes for moving to a new venue, and 1 No vote to not move.  It was obvious  that most everyone was in favor.  If you haven’t been to the shop, by all means, stop in and introduce yourself.  John is on site every Thursday evening, and all day on Saturday.  His assistant is there the rest of the time.  Sunday and Monday the business is closed.

We are sad to leave Out of the Box, but with their building for sale, the demands of their business and poor layout for our shows,  it seemed like a good time to make the transition.  Out of the Box will still take work on commission as before, but they will include people that are not of the guild, which they were prevented in doing before as it was exclusively a Guild venue.  If you wish to hang your work there, contact Myra Sontheimer, as she will be the Out of the Box Gallery Coordinator.