Spring Show Results

Congratulations to the artists whose work was selected for excellence at the Spring Show.  Shelly Stoltenberg for “Best of Show”, Jan Garvin, Pam Apley, Reida Wrenholt and Donna Justen for merit awards and Danielle Dewees, Mindy Burton, Keri Kriston and Lynette Fast for Honorable Mentions.  The judge this year was Nancy Childs.  Child’s comments about the show were highly positive.  She was very impressed with everyone’s use of color.  She began her viewing with looking at the overall show, close up and also far away.  The craftsmanship is also what drew her in, how labor intensive and time consuming it is.  Critiques were made on every piece of work (40 in all) and those will be available at the monthly meetings with the remainder sent by email.

Best of Show   “Dog and Eggplant” by Shelly Stoltenberg

21 pieces were also selected from this show, and those are being processed for the ANAC state convention.  These will be in digital form so that eventually everyone will be able to view the entire state show at the conclusion of the convention in June.

Next show will be the 4th of July Show in Seward.  The theme is:  “Made in America” and pieces will be transported the first week in June.  (exact date later)  One or two entries per person are welcome, but keep the size  manageable.   There is no cost to enter, but a donation to the driver to pay for gas is welcome.  Members are welcome to tag along and help hang.   Carmen Stineman