LAG September Program

Deb Monfelt from Beatrice will be doing an instructional demonstration Sept. 2nd, 7-9 p.m. at the Capitol City Christian Church, 7800 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. She is a past president of ANAC, art judge and teaches art in Beatrice to children and adults. Deb will be doing a reduction drawing, so folks should bring sketch books or paper and drawing boards. They should also being soft vine charcoal, kneaded eraser, and white erasers.

“Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.”
– Major, Animal Farm, George Orwell

I grew up on a farm in Southeastern Nebraska that was very active in crop production, as well as raising livestock. Although today the family farm’s livestock is reduced to a cow and calf herd, we once had dairy cows, chickens, ducks, dogs, cats and pigs. I had a couple of ponies, until one of them almost killed me and my Dad said that was enough of that, but I still love horses. Moments of exhilaration and anxiety accompanied the birth of baby pigs and calves. Often we had to keep them warm in the basement or call the veterinarian to pull a calf. Having livestock on the farm taught my brother and I early that life and death were intertwined. It also taught us responsibility and accountability for our actions. If the gate was left open and the pigs got out, guess who helped to put them back in…. sometimes in the wee hours of the morning? I could tell lots of stories, but I’ll save those for conversations with viewers should they like to hear about them.
I have lived in a small town for 18 years now, but I still own a farm. I still go to the farm to enjoy the quiet open spaces. During the past year I have been reflecting more on my childhood and the animals that have come in and out of my life. This is evident

DMonfelt-OinkOink Monfelt - Fire Castle Monfelt - Soybean Harvest - Checking the Combine Monfelt - Bison I (1)

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